To get started with web hosting, you need to: choose a web hosting provider, select a suitable plan based on your website needs, register a domain name, set up your website files on the server, and configure your domain to point to your hosting service; essentially, you're choosing a company to store your website data on a server and make it accessible online through a domain name.
May 14th Two-Factor Authentication Recommended
Dear Valued Customers,
Two-Factor Authentication protects your account and reduces the risk by 100%. 2-FA is a simple yet very easy protection which is used by millions of users online to protect their online digital accounts from being hacked. You can protect your accounts using the 2-FA
Best Regards Support Team
May 14th A Reminder of our Spam Policy
Hello, There has been a recent increase in the number of spam reports from accounts on our servers. Due to this we have had to take action on a number of accounts and will be monitoring all accounts carefully. As per our terms of service, accounts cannot be used for spam purposes such as emails or any spam related activity. Any ... Read More »